Recommended Books
Here are is a list of books collected all about dream catchers. There are instructional books, fun fictional books, children’s picture books, and inspirational books, giving reflections on dreams. These books are great for the lover of dream catchers young…
Hanging Your Dream Catcher
Where you hang your dream catcher can have a great effect on the catching of dreams. It is important that you choose a place where the dream catcher can do its work. Walk through your house, or space that you…
What are Dreams?
Dreams, remembered, are an experience all on their own. They may bring on the sense of images, sounds, smells, and many other sensations. During sleep, the mind may often bring reality into your dreams. Dreams bring on emotions that can…
Dreamcatchers and Dreams
A Dreamcatcher is an amazing tool that helps us remember our dreams and work through them. Even though it is a beautiful piece of art, it is more than something to hang on a wall. The center of the dream…
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What is a Dream Catcher?
Dream catchers are arts and crafts of the Native American people. The original web dream catcher of the Ojibwa was intended to teach natural wisdom. Nature is a profound teacher. Dream catchers of twigs, sinew, and feathers have been woven…